Financial Demand

In Hong Kong, accounting and finance candidates are in prime position to find a new role in the current market, but employers are looking to candidates to explain their motivations beyond just financial reward. This insight has come from Hays in Hong Kong ... ( read original story ...)

Seven of the most exciting jobs at Hong Kong banks right now

Not all Hong Kong banking jobs are boring ... banking job for an RM who has been in the game for at least a decade. Like all private banks, Hang Seng wants someone who can grow their HNW client base and has strong sales skills. You will also need to ... ( read original story ...

Hong Kong needs to get IPO Connect right

The Primary Equity Connect (PEC) will undoubtedly be revolutionary. The link, which will effectively allow Mainland investors to directly participate in Hong Kong IPOs, could bring immense change to the city’s equity market. The leading upside is diversity. ( read original story ...)