Rural Chinese lender seeks Hong Kong IPO to recapitalize

HONG KONG - In an environment of increasingly tight liquidity, a regional rural commercial bank in mainland China announced Friday that it planned to tap the Hong Kong market for an initial public offering. Jilin Jiutai Rural Commercial Bank, based in the ... ( read original story ...)

Hong Kong's drawndown mortgage loans rise 14.6 pct in Nov

Dec 30 New mortgage loans drawn down in Hong Kong totalled HK$26.5 billion ($3.42 billion) in November, up 14.6 percent from a month earlier, Hong Kong Monetary Authority (HKMA) data showed on Friday. Following is the breakdown of data from the authority ... ( read original story ...)

Hong Kong home prices reach record high after 8-month ascent

The Asian financial hub is one of the least affordable cities in ... who took the helm four years ago and is set to step down after his term completes in June. Hong Kong citizens' monthly median wage stands at HK$15,500 (US$1,998), according to government ... ( read original story ...)

Regina Ip: The 'Iron Lady' who wants to lead Hong Kong

Regina Ip wants to become Hong Kong's most powerful politician - and she's not shy about it. The BBC's Helier Cheung profiles the straight-talking "Iron Lady" as part of a series on the Asian women likely to make the news in 2017. Her uncompromising stance ... ( read original story ...)

In Hong Kong, a Model for Aging with Grace

HONG KONG — With a daily schedule that includes catwalks, commercials and acting lessons, 58-year-old Regina Chan appears to lead a glamorous life. "It's a rewarding job, not in terms of monetary rewards, but to me it's ... fulfilling," she says of her job. ( read original story ...)

Hong Kong needs to develop a balanced view of innovation

As a professor specializing in science, technology and innovation studies, I remind my students to maintain a balanced view of innovation, particularly as it occurs in Hong Kong. While some of the news about innovation in Hong Kong is less than inspiring ... ( read original story ...)

Hong Kong's Increasingly Tiny Flats

While Hong Kong’s cage homes have often been a source of artistic ... according to the government survey. Now it seems the large property developers are getting in on the action. In 2016 alone, three high-profile projects have been launched. ( read original story ...)

Hong Kong racing against time to push 'game changer' in banking

Hong Kong banks are joining a cluster of their Asian counterparts in testing the disruptive potential of the much-hyped blockchain technology - the next big thing poised to reshape the traditional banking industry in the near future. Bank of China (Hong ... ( read original story ...)

Flight Test: Hong Kong to Auckland on Cathay Pacific's A350

If you'd like to see how the 1 per cent fly, then business class on Cathay's new A350 is the way to go. THE AIRLINE Cathay Pacific THE ROUTE Hong Kong to Auckland, New Zealand. THE PLANE Airbus A350-900, the world's newest aircraft. The aircraft carries ... ( read original story ...)