Ben Ng

Hong Kong has announced plans to launch a public annuity scheme through the government-owned Hong Kong Mortgage Corporation (HKMC). If you are planning for retirement, you will now face a fresh dilemma: Should you opt for... ( read original story ...)

Hong Kong Home Prices to Grow 15 Percent in Coming 30 Months

Our analysis shows that around 1.27 million households with an income over HKD 28,000 per month can afford to buy private housing using a combination of savings and financing 70-80% of the balance through banks, non-banks and the Hong Kong Mortgage ... ( read original story ...)

Hong Kong’s Property Shadow Leaves Singapore Developers Ahead

Hong Kong’s property stocks are cheaper than Singapore’s, although not cheap enough to account for the risk that the world’s least affordable city could have a housing crash. That’s according to analysts and money managers from Nomura Holdings Inc ... ( read original story ...)